The Fishers Police Department is committed to providing the best police services possible.
Citizen cooperation and input are essential if the department is to succeed in reaching this goal.
If you have questions about any specific action taken by the department or have questions about how the department operates, you can contact our department at any time.
How do I initiate a complaint against an officer?
A complaint can be initiated in person or online. Complaints can be filed 24 hours a day with a police supervisor. If you choose not to file the complaint in person, you can follow this LINK to complete the complaint form. You may also choose to complete the below complaint form by hand and drop it off for the Office of Professional Standards at the Fishers Police Front Desk.
If I am under 18 years old, do I have the right to file a complaint?
Yes, but you must have a parent, legal guardian, or responsible adult with you.
Must I give my name to file a complaint?
No. Anonymous complaints, or complaints from citizens who expressly request their names to be held in confidence, shall be accepted. However, when an anonymous complaint is made against an employee and there is not corroborative evidence of any kind, the complaint shall be classified as unfounded. Also, if the complaint results in criminal or civil action against the officer, you may be subpoenaed into court, and a name will be required at that time.
Will the officer know that I have made a complaint?
Yes. The officer(s) will be advised of the allegations made against him or her as well as the name of the person registering the complaint. The officer may be required to provide a detailed statement outlining the details of the incident from his/her point of view.
Who is responsible for the investigation of the complaint?
The Assistant Chief of Police is responsible for the administration of internal investigations. The actual investigative work may be performed by the Office of Professional Standards or a police supervisor. When necessary, the department may utilize other agencies to investigate criminal allegations against officers.
What will happen to the officer?
If the investigation reveals misconduct, the officer will be disciplined according to the seriousness of the rule violation. Disciplinary actions range from oral reprimand to suspension and, in extreme cases, termination. If the allegation is criminal in nature, the case may be presented for prosecution. Other appropriate remedies include policy training and remedial training.
Need I be concerned about possible retaliation for making a complaint against an officer?
No. It is essential that public confidence be maintained. Retaliation is strictly prohibited.
How long will the investigation take?
Minor complaints are often handled immediately. As a general rule, the investigation of serious charges should be concluded within 30 days (unless circumstances necessitate additional time).
Will I be notified of the results of the investigation?
Once the investigation has concluded, the Assistant Chief of Police will inform you in writing of the outcome of the complaint.
What if I file a false complaint?
If you believe the complaint to be valid and the officer is ultimately exonerated, the case will be ended. However, if it is determined that the complaint was intentionally false and malicious, you may be subject to criminal charges.
It is the policy of the Fishers Police Department to promptly investigate allegations of wrongdoing by department members and to take appropriate action as to discipline, policy change, or exoneration.
A complaint means that someone is dissatisfied with our performance. If we are doing something wrong, the complainant will help the department recognize and ultimately rectify the wrongdoing.
It is the intent of the Fishers Police Department to provide its residents with only the highest quality law enforcement services.
If you have further questions or would like more information or assistance, contact us at 317-595-3300 or at
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