Through a unique partnership, the Fishers Police and Fire/Emergency Services Department’s High Threat Response Program (HTRP) designs, develops, and delivers standardized education, response plans, and training to prepare for complex public safety threats.
The program is managed by public safety personnel from both the Fishers Police and Fire Departments with a wide array of professional training and experience.
Members of the program come from a variety of leadership positions within both departments and have backgrounds in training, incident management, trauma care, and tactical response. The group is led by 2 coordinators, one representing law enforcement and the other fire/EMS.

Community Resources
High Threat Preparedness Presentations
Schools, businesses, and community stakeholders frequently request information about how they should prepare and respond to an incident involving active violence. This 2.5-hour presentation provides information related to the prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery of an incident involving active violence. It introduces the concept of Avoid, Deny, Defend (ADD) and the importance of bystander action in addressing life-threatening bleeding via the national STOP THE BLEED campaign.
The event is free and open to the public. Some content is specifically directed to decision-makers, training staff, safety supervisors, and emergency planners of commercial properties.
A bleeding injury can happen anywhere. Life-threatening bleeding can happen in people injured in serious accidents or disasters. Instead of being a witness, you can become an immediate responder because you know how to STOP THE BLEED®. By learning how to STOP THE BLEED®, you’ll gain the ability to recognize life-threatening bleeding and act quickly and effectively to control bleeding once you learn three quick techniques. Our instructors will teach you live—in person, using training materials specially developed to teach bleeding control techniques. They will not only instruct you, they will be available to check your movements as you practice three different bleeding control actions. They will keep working with you until you demonstrate the correct skills to STOP THE BLEED® and save a life.
Utilize this form to indicate your interest in attending the next event. Once a date is set, you will be contacted based on the information you submitted in the form.
Safe Community Initiative
The Bleed Safe Community initiative seeks to increase survival from traumatic injury through a community-based approach to increase the number of community members trained in trauma care and the availability of Public Access Trauma Kits (PATKs) located throughout the city. Organizations receive free resources and training in trauma care that can be used to save lives in incidents ranging from workplace injuries to active violence.
Target audience is anyone in your organization and all members of the community. Everyone benefits from this training.

Vulnerability Assessments
Facilities come in a variety of sizes and are occupied in many ways. From schools and restaurants to shops and entertainment venues, building characteristics can have a significant impact when an incident unfolds. During a vulnerability assessment, public safety personnel conduct a site visit and review best practices while exploring the facility with key executives. The HTRP provides an array of resources that assist the organization to develop an ongoing and action-oriented improvement process.
Download the Active Violence Response Poster

Download a printable version of the Active Violence Response poster with best practices to help you survive an event.
Download the Safety Levels Poster

Download a printable version of the Safety Levels poster.
Public Safety Professionals
For more information on how to implement this program at your agency, contact
About the Logo
COMPASS: The compass directs the city’s public safety agencies in their pursuit of high threat response and preparedness. The cardinal points symbolize the individuality of the 4 key elements – police, fire, EMS and the community. The ordinal points depict the convergence of the four elements into a unified response. The core element pays homage to the City of Fishers flag.
BUILDING – GREEN ICON: The buildings represent the community and infrastructure that are protected. They are the top of the logo, being supported by the public safety elements whose goal is to protect, serve, and support.
POLICE SHIELD – BLUE ICON: The Shield represents the duty of the police department to protect and serve the community while the star depicts the evolution of law enforcement through time.
MALTESE – RED ICON: Adopted by firefighters to identify their historic ties to the Knights of Malta, the Maltese cross represents loyalty, bravery and defense of the weak.
STAR OF LIFE – GREY ICON: The Star of Life depicts the universal sign of emergency medicine and healing. Placed between the police and fire elements, it identifies the shared commitment and desire of both agencies to provide emergency medical care and save lives.